Metabolic programming to ensure calf growth Metabolic programming to ensure calf growth

Metabolic programming to ensure calf growth

Our LifeStart research shows the impact of metabolic programming for calves, promoting healthy growth, unlocking their full genetic potential and improving future productivity.

LifeStart Calf rearing programme

Healthy from the start

How a calf develops in the first weeks of life is the most crucial determinant of a robust future. Trouw Nutrition’s LifeStart calf rearing programme ensures animals receive the highest level of nutrition from birth. Throughout this critical period, intensive nourishment ensures calves produce more milk with a reduced risk of culling during first lactations, and grow up healthy, strong and resilient to disease.

Calf growth directly affects cow performance

We are dedicated to helping dairy farmers raise cattle sustainably and maximise the daily production of every cow over its lifetime. Producing more milk with fewer cows, particularly young stock, is achievable by utilising the full potential of each animal. Good calf development:

  • Reduces mortality
  • Improves udder development of the future cow
  • Reduces calving age of heifers
  • Increases milk production per lactation and the number of lactations per cow

Our offering for calf growth for metabolic programming

LifeStart programme

LifeStart programme

LifeStart is a science-based platform for dairy calves that deals with the critical first months of a dairy calf’s life.

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Sprayfo Delta

Sprayfo Delta

Sprayfo Delta is developed to combine the best of whole milk with the best of calf milk replacers. Sprayfo Delta is high in fat, perfectly balanced in vitamins and mineral, providing an osmolality close to fresh milk; ensuring calves get all they need for the best possible start in life.

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Sprayfo Excellent

Sprayfo Excellent

Sprayfo Excellent is a high-quality calf milk replacer for dairy farmers who place the highest demands on their calf rearing. With Sprayfo Excellent you can feed intensive, up to 150 g solids per litre milk. You will clearly notice the results in the development and performance of your calves.

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Our scientifically based LifeStart programme has demonstrated to farmers that investing in intensive calf feeding at the start is essential for the success of their future dairy herd.
Eile van der Gaast, Product Manager Calf Milk Replacers at Trouw Nutrition

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I be concerned about the thin faeces being eliminated by young calves who are receiving a great deal of milk?

Not at all. Calves are similar to babies in their first week of life, with a developing digestive system and faeces that appear porridge-like. As the gut matures after two to three weeks, the faeces become firmer – a much more rapid process than in babies.

My calves like drinking milk, but not calf starter. How can I encourage them to consume more calf starter?

Most importantly, check the availability of water for your calves. They need four to five litres of water per kilogram of dry feed. If the supply of water is limited or failing, calf starter consumption will decrease. Make sure good quality water is in ample supply and freely available.


Sprayfo Calf Rearing Solutions
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Looking for more information about metabolic programming?

Check the LifeStart website for our research into the long-term benefits of intensive calf rearing.

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