Water Quality Management Strategy for Healthy Gut in Chicken
Water is the most important nutrient for poultry and plays a key role in thermoregulation, digestion and absorption of nutrients and acts as a carrier for administration of additives, such as medication, supplements, etc. Safe and good water quality is important as chickens consume twice as much water as feed. Chicken’s body weight contains 70% of water but if water intake is reduced or there is increased water loss, then it would have a significant effect on the bird’s performance. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that adequate, clean and hygienic water supply is available for the birds.
Sanitization of water can be carried out by Chlorination, Chlorine dioxide, Hydrogen peroxide etc. Sanitation of water should be coupled with acidification for the sanitizers to act effectively and for synergistic effect with respect to microbial control. This can be accomplished by usage of apt combination of free and buffered organic acids. Selko®-pH from Trouw Nutrition contains free and buffered organic acids which helps in maintaining good water quality along with optimal gut health conditions in birds.