Health and welfare Health and welfare

Health and welfare

We are committed to promoting animal health and welfare, with a focus on two key areas. Firstly, reducing antibiotic usage on farms – for example, through support teams who partner closely with customers to implement holistic antibiotic reduction strategies. Secondly, wherever we have animals in our supply chain, we will obtain the most locally relevant certificate of animal well-being.

animal nutrition management

Animal health and welfare

Health and welfare are at the core of everything we do as a company, providing solutions that make a difference in the health of animals, as well as society, by preventing or replacing the need for antimicrobials. Helping to make sure that animals are raised with optimal nutrition and good welfare is essential for Feeding the Future.

We will also ensure good animal welfare wherever we have animals in our supply chain, by working with the most locally relevant certification bodies for animal well-being.

working towards sustainable development goals

Antimicrobial resistance (use of antibiotics)

Since 80% of global antibiotic usage takes place in the livestock production sector, Trouw Nutrition has a very important role to play in helping to promote animal health, without prophylactic use of antibiotics. We offer nutritional solutions with our feed additives that allow protein farmers to reduce their dependency on medication.

Over the last five years, we have had multiple experiences with strategic clients that have proven a holistic approach, including husbandry best practices and feed and water additives, can successfully reduce antibiotic usage and result in protein products “never-ever” being exposed to antibiotics. The technology currently exists to make this possible, and during the next five years, Nutreco will employ its expertise to address this major challenge to future generations.

Our approach

Trouw Nutrition adheres to Nutreco’s AMR policy, which centres around a five-step approach. We will engage and demonstrate our level of commitment in the following five categories:

  1. Engage with local, regional and national governments to encourage and promote regulatory reform for the responsible use of antibiotics. This includes public speaking, blogs, articles, letters to political representatives and industry workshops to transfer technology that should be adopted to ensure responsible usage.
  2. Ensure no prophylactic usage of antibiotics employed in feed, forage or water.
  3. Ensure no use of antibiotics and/or coccidiostats for effect of growth promotion.
  4. Ensure the use of antibiotic medication can only be applied to feed and water with a valid clinical diagnostic result demonstrating bacterial infection and under direct and approved medical supervision by a qualified veterinarian.
  5. Ensure no use of any antibiotic or related medications that are listed on the World Health Organization’s list of “Critically Important for Human Health.” 

In addition to these five categories of action, Trouw Nutrition will expand its expert services to customers that want to implement a “never ever” protein product production offer.

Antimicrobial Resistance

An introduction

How important of a problem is microbial resistance really? Find out more…

The World Health Organization predicts that, by 2050, more people will die of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections than of cancer (the leading cause of death today).

Antimicrobial reduction programmes

Want to know more about our AMR programmes, approach and services? Find out about our customised programmes for poultry here:

Our pillars:

Health and welfare
Climate and circularity
Good citizenship